Here you will find our Residential & Commercial Prices and Services!

Residential Services

Exterior House Washing

Power/Pressure Washing

Driveway Cleaning

Sidewalk Cleaning

Patio Cleaning.

Commercial Services

Kitchen Hood Vents

Kitchen Filter Cleaning

Drive-Thru Degreasing

Sidewalk Pressure Washing

Dumpster Pad Cleaning

Store Front Pavement Cleaning

Stove and Kitchen Equipment Cleaning

Walk-In / Reach-In Cooler Cleaning & Sanitation

Kitchen Floor, Wall Cleaning and Degreasing

Bathroom Tile Cleaning and Sanitation

Industrial Wareh0use Cleaning & Restoration

Payment Options


At RPW ProWash we accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

Call Us Today
(779) 348-3135

Our Pricing Policy

At RPW ProWash, we are upfront and honest about our pricing. We will provide a written estimate and stick to that estimate, but there are a couple of things that can save us money and when we save money, we’ll pass it along to you.

We do our estimates based on how long it will take to do the job, not how much area is involved. While square footage matters and figures into the overall quote, it is only part of the equation. Depending on what surface we are cleaning Ie. roofs we also factor in the pitch of your roof and the type of material growing on your roof.

Group Rates

Because we price our services in man hours, if multiple homeowners in one area schedule, we can get more done in less time. This means savings for you. Generally, we can get 2 to 3 homeowners done in a day and this would constitute a “group.” If you are interested in being quoted at our “group” rates, let us know. On your typical 2,400 sq ft home, “group” rates can be 15% off our standard rates.

Our Wood Restoration prices vary based on size, condition, level, and sealant used. We also offer a group discount for wood restoration. Contact Us Today!